
Strawberry Jar with Ropes
We went to pick your own farm recently here in the UK to pick some delicious strawberries, and as an inspiration I created this jar with rope decorations.
I start my work from asking my husband to drill a hole in metal lid, so I can attach round wooden handle on top of it. You can find exactly the same handles in all building shops.
Once handle is attached I start painting my jar with white acrylic primer. To avoid disappointment make sure your primer is suitable for glass.        I had to apply 3 coats of paint to cover it properly.
When everything is dry I start fiddling with silicone moulds and air drying clay. I tried several clays in different colours but in my opinion white one makes the least mess. I found this clay online, and description states it is non toxic and suitable even for children. It almost feels like play dough in my hands.
I fill my mould with clay, pushing it quite hard to reach all the corners, and then gently I remove rope from the form. I use quick drying glue and brush to attach the decoration around the base, edge and lid.
I also tried using heavy body gel and it works quite well so you can use it instead of express glue if you want to. I wait about one hour for clay to dry little beat, and then I press the ropes against the jar once more so there are no gaps left because clay may lift and shrink little beat during drying process. I leave my project for drying overnight.
When my clay is dry I prepare paper napkin for gluing. Firstly I remove two bottom layers of paper leaving only top coloured one. The rest goes in the bin as we won’t need it. I use small brush and water to tear images out as torn fluffy edges tend to blend better, and we want need as many layers of varnish later on.
As you know I have been using varnish instead of glue with napkins recently, and this time wont be different because this method leaves less or no wrinkles. I don’t recommend using fan brush just wide synthetic brush is much better. 
At this point you could leave your jar as it is, adding additional layer of white paint around the ropes just to make sure they are the same shade of white as the rest of your jar, or you can follow me and add some green around roping, but before you can do that we need a layer of varnish.
Varnish will protect white paint and images and it will let us wipe excess paint without leaving stains of green.
Once dry I apply layer of green paint reaching all the small holes between roping and I use wet wipe to remove some of the paint. I want mainly corners filled with paint at this point.
Once I’m happy with the finish I take little beat of green paint on my brush wiping excess on the towel and I apply another thin layer on top of my ropes. I repeat the process using white paint on top to expose ropes even further.
At the very end I add shading of green on edges of the lid, and I create splash marks to blend everything further.
When my paint is dry I apply several layers of acrylic varnish to protect my paint and my work is finished.
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